We were unexpectedly blessed with a little kitten yesterday. Avril's Sunday school teachers, the Mindemans, were giving away four kittens born April 15. Avril was frantically begging for a kitten and Adrian agreed that this was a good time. So we took a drive out to the country yesterday afternoon and picked out a little kitten. Avril immediately went for a tiny all-black girl. Adrian and I liked the runt, a gray boy. But Avril wouldn't budge. I am not sure if her name will stick, but for now Ame (AvrilMaiaEowyn) Belle seems to be the winner. She is really sweet and was immediately comfortable in the house, curling up on everyone's laps and napping. Avril is about to explode she is so happy. She is doing well though and Belle is very patient. Maia has already held her and is comfortable. I am so proud of Maia. She is growing. The first thing Eowyn said about the cat was "I think she wants to play a game with me or a puzzle." We are very excited to have her.