I have officially returned to Peru after 12 years. To say that it is amazing is an understatement. My day started at 3:30am when I arrived at Dulles airport. After I checked my bag I went through security and on to the gate. Everything was smooth and painless. My flight to El Salvador was easy. I slept a little, but was quite tired. There was a very brief layover, changed planes and went on to Lima. I slept a lot of that flight. But I woke up in time for lunch. TACA still serves meals. I don´t know if other international flights still do that. It was a pleasant surprise. Each flight was four hours. Moving through the airport in Lima was almost creepy. Ours was the only flight to have arrived at that time. So we were the only ones to go through security, get our luggage and customs. But I am not complaining. It was very quick. I made it to my hotel here in Lima by taxi with no trouble. It still amazes me that driving can function in the way it does here. Although there are a lot of countries that are just as bad. How there are not thousands of accidents per day is a mystery.
For now, my head is spinning. Partly out of a crazy schedule and partly out of being in an entirely different continent. I think that once we get to Huaraz everything will be normal again. It is not until much later tonight that the next people I know arrive here at this apartment. Then the Miller kids arrive very early in the morning. Tomorrow I am looking foward to being with them and going shopping. Tomorrow night we ride the bus to Huaraz.
Just yesterday as I was getting ready to board the train to D.C. for my flight I thought, "In 24 hours I will be in Peru." And so it is. Amazing!
I look foward to writing more soon. Hope you enjoy reading my jumbled thoughts as I move through an extraordinary adventure.
Until next time...Lauren
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Eowyn!!

Eowyn is 3 years old today. This is so hard for me to grasp. My baby cannot already be moving into this stage of little girl. She should just be turning one, right? Here we are though, three years have passed since Eowyn came into the world--fast and furious. Most of you already know the story. For those who may not, let's just say that I made it to the hospital, but she was born before I got into the hospital gown. Actually, I think fast and furious is a good description of Eowyn. She most certainly is strong-willed ("I do it mysef!") and can be very destructive when she so chooses. But she is such a joy and full of life. She loves to be silly and make you laugh. I love, love, love to watch her wiggle. She can really shake her hips! :) Eowyn is a blessing and our family is infinitely richer with her in it.
We had the birthday party for her yesterday afternoon. Our family came over and we had a lovely time. We ate ham, corn on the cob, green beans and biscuits for dinner. Eowyn determined a long time ago that she was having a flower cake. So after dinner we opened presents and had flower cake and ice cream. Eowyn received new sand toys, a Cinderella gown and tiara, a tutu--her favorite, several toys and a Dora lunch box.
Today she has played with several of the new toys with her sisters, ate birthday muffins and we even had Wendy's for dinner--her choice.
Happy Birthday my precious Eowyn! We love you so much!!!
***Concerning the pictures above: the first two are just to remember July 16, 2004; most are of Eowyn at her party with family; there is a four-generation picture of my grandmother, my mom, myself and the girls; Eowyn, the beautiful ballerina birthday girl
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Pool Time
My friend, Amanda, is so cool and posted a blog about swimming with us at the pool. (Check out her site at http://mifabfive.blogspot.com/) So I thought it would be a good idea to put some of my pictures on this site to compliment her pictures. My girls and I love to have Amanda and her four boys join us at our community pool. All winter long Avril, Maia and Eowyn ask when the pool will open so we can swim with the boys. This summer it is really noticeable that our kids are getting older. They are stronger swimmers and eager to do those things that kids so enjoy at the pool (jumping off the side for hours, swimming in the deep end, diving for sunken treasure). Before long Amanda and I will be able to sit in the lounge chairs, sipping umbrella drinks (jj!) and just relax and chat while the kids are swimming. That is a fantastic thought! The Johns are dear friends whom we treasure in our hearts. We will miss them greatly when they move.
**Concerning the pictures below...Avril swimming; Amanda and Cai; Anderson laying down by the pool--sweet; Everyone eating lunch; Trevor, Maia and Eowyn eating a snack; Ryan flexing his muscles; Is it a mermaid? Is it Nessie? No, it's Amanda swimming a lap!

Monday, July 2, 2007
"We just can't stop the fun-ness"

Maia said this to me late Sunday night as she and her friend, Lily, were trying to fall asleep. Despite sleep-over protocol, I was surprised that they were still awake at nearly 10pm. Afterall, we spent nearly five hours at our church picnic--running, jumping, riding ponies, and eating an endless supply of sno-cones. Maia tickled me when she came out with that line, I just couldn't help but laugh. In truth, Lily was looking really tired. I asked if she was ready to sleep and she immediately turned over. It seems that little Maia just couldn't stop the fun-ness. But I think after a spectacular day at the picnic and the giggly morning that followed (including waffles, Barbies and nail painting) Maia was right.
**Concerning the pictures...Eowyn's sno-cone adventure was one for the ages and then a marshmallow to top it off. Mmmm....sugar. I actually got all that dye from the syrup out of her clothes (yipee!). The other pictures show Avril and Eowyn on ponies; Maia with her face painted; Eowyn, Lily and Maia; all the girls this morning (and Eowyn's pose isn't intentional for the camera)
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