We decided to let our girls go trick or treating this year for the first time. They have been SOOOO excited for this day. They all chose their costumes a long time ago. Maia instantly knew she wanted to be a bride, Avril was Princess Leia and Eowyn was a ladybug. The excitement was overflowing and I had a fantastic time preparing them to go out. Adrian took them down the street to a friend's house. Grant is in Avril's class and we thought it would be fun to go together since we are new to the neighborhood. It was even cuter that Grant was Darth Vadar. We already had a wedding dress in the dress-up box. So Maia's costume didn't take any effort. Avril's really only required thought. But once I realized that my robe would make a very good white, flow-y gown, the rest was easy. Besides, it is really the hair that makes Princess Leia. Eowyn and my mom glued the dots onto a red cape that Adrian's mom made for the girls a while back. It turned out so much better than I had imagined. Adrian and the girls were gone about an hour and a half. I stayed home to pass out candy. They came home with their pumpkins filled with candy and enormous smiles. Eating the candy was its own reward. :) They had a wonderful time and I am so glad they had the chance to do it. Here's hoping their teeth don't fall out.
We celebrated Avril's 8th birthday last Saturday, the 25th. This was her first real "friends" party. Six friends from her class at school came over to the house about 10am. It sounds early, but our original plan was to go to the park for the party and it's much emptier early in the morning. However, rain threatened most of the day so we changed our plans very early Saturday morning. It was really wonderful. We had such a fun time. The kids ran in the yard (because it didn't rain--HA!), bobbed for apples and played Pin the Ear on the Elephant (per Avril's request). Bobbing for apples was a huge hit as the kids thoroughly loved submerging their heads underwater. The elephant I made turned out pretty well. I am rather proud of this considering I have no artistic ability, but sometimes you're just feelin' it, and it turned out looking like a real elephant. :) Adrian grilled out hot dogs to accompany our chips and veggie tray, caramel popcorn and apples to dip in caramel after the bobbing was finished. We had cake and presents. The kids, especially the boys, were duly impressed that Avril wanted a Star Wars cake. Several parents stayed and we adults really enjoyed visiting as the kids ran around. Avril was so blessed by the whole day. It was so meaningful for her to have school friends over and enjoy themselves at her party. She really loved it. It gave me such joy to see her so happy. It astounds me that Avril is already 8. My memory of her birth is so vivid (perhaps it always remains that way) it seems just a few years ago. Am I really that old? Apparently so. We have witnessed a lot of growth in Avril over this past year. God is clearly working in herheart. She has a lot of issues that will probably challenge her for many years, but there is grace also evident. For that I am grateful beyond words. She is a precious treasure and I am so thankful to have her.
Regarding the pictures: #1 & 2--the night before, after we finished decorating the cake;#3 Avril bobbing for apples. She got one too (sorry the order is mixed up); #4-6 Cake time!; #7 Playing with a cool toy--A Deep Sea Explorer Set (deep sea boat, man with tools and angler fish); #8 The reason that toy was bought. She chose an Angler fish for a project that was due the next week for school. It was the only I found. But it really is a cool toy that the girls will really enjoy playing with. And her project turned out really well. P.S. This was her gift from Grandaddy and Jill. Good job. :)
I lifted this hymn off of my friend, Tiffany's, blog. I love it. Every time I read it, it fills my soul with joy and strength. Hope it is a blessing for you too.
He Gives More Grace(by Annie Flint)
He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater, He sendeth more strength as our labors increase; To added afflictions He addeth His mercy, To multiplied trials He multiplies peace.
When we have exhausted our store of endurance, When our strength has failed ere the day is half done, When we reach the end of our hoarded resources Our Father's full giving is only begun.
His love has no limits, His grace has no measure, His power no boundary known unto men; For out of His infinite riches in Jesus He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.
Fear not that thy need shall exceed His provision, Our God ever yearns His resources to share; Lean hard on the arm everlasting, availing; The Father both thee and thy load will upbear.
Similarly, I lifted this quote from my friend, Rob's, Facebook. (Rob was our Intervarsity Christian Fellowship staffworker at ODU. Now he's a pastor and planting a church in Seattle. Go Rob and Claudia!)
"This life, therefore, is not righteousness but growth in righteousness, not health but healing, not being but becoming, not rest but exercise; we are not yet what we shall be, but we are growing toward it; the process is not yet finished, but it is going on; this is not the end, but it is the road."--Martin Luther
Maia got her glasses today. She is so excited and looks adorable. Ironically, she didn't want her picture taken so she doesn't look quite as happy. But trust me, she was very eager to get her glasses. It should come as no surprise that she picked out the purple frames with flowers on them. Her biggest concern was if they would come with a case and especially a cloth to clean the lenses. This morning she received a pink case with purple hearts on it AND a snazzy pink and purple cloth. All met with much satisfaction. :) She is slightly far-sighted and will use them for reading, the computer, TV and seat work at school.
A family in our church owns a little farm not far from our house. Their daughter, Suzanne, is taking my level 1 Spanish class this year. Her mom, Tonya, also is one of the Home School Enrichment teachers. One day early in the year, I mentioned to Tonya that Maia was starting up the inevitable requests, "I want a pony." And in chatting I said that I should bring the girls out to their farm to see the horses some time. Suzanne and her older sister, Katy, are riders and compete in equestrian events. So Tonya offered that we could have Suzanne give the girls riding lessons if we were interested. The truth is, this is something I've never considered before. I've always thought of horse lessons as out of our league. The more I thought about it though, the more it appealed to me. Especially because I am not sure an opportunity like this will present itself for our family. Also, soccer was feeling very overwhelming to me just prior to that season getting started. The horse riding lessons we've set up to be just once/month. That I can do. When we told the girls they started screaming and jumping up and down. It was so sweet. I don't think they ever thought this would be a reality either. Yesterday (Saturday) was our first time out to the Lamb's farm. I barely got the van stopped before they had jumped out. Suzanne first showed them about brushing Angel and why it's important. Then she gave each of them a riding lesson. They all walked and trotted some. The girls were bursting with excitement. They did wonderfully. I am so happy that we have such a special chance to do this. Even more, the Lambs are a marvelous family and just spending time on the farm is a blessing. So without further ado...here are the pictures.
#1-4 Brushing Angel with different types of brushes to get her ready to ride. #5-7 Avril gets the first turn to ride. #8 & 9 Maia's turn. #10 Maia in 2 point position (up on your toes out of the saddle~used for running, jumping, trotting, etc.) #11-13 Eowyn (definitely the most outspoken in her excitement) finally getting her turn. She even had a chance to trot, which did make my heart skip a little to see that tiny thing bouncing on a horse so much larger than herself. But she did great.
I am from Portsmouth, VA which typically surprises people. One because I am still alive and two because I have no police record. But the fact remains that I am a true local. After high school, I lived in Peru for a year working with Wycliffe Bible Translators. At ODU I met Adrian Rowland and married him. Here it is nine years later and we live in VA Beach with three beautiful daughters. Adrian is the principal at Norfolk Christian Middle School. I stay home with our girls and serve as the CEO of our family. I love where God has laid my boundary lines. I am richly blessed.