And the end result...
Thank you Dad and Jill for your wonderful Christmas gift of gift cards to the nursery. Adrian and Eowyn went on Friday after school and bought the flowers. We are loving such a thoughtful gift!
We also pulled all of the matted pine straw and weeds off of the small flower beds around the shed out back. Eowyn bought three packs of flower seeds with some of her gift card money so they planted those seeds. It's not as impressive a picture--just dirt, but you don't see weeds. Hopefully, we'll have pretty, colorful flowers soon.
These other few are from inside the house. It's amazing that we have worked for so long inside the house, and really, a stranger walking in would never know it. What they notice is that they don't notice anything, meaning comments like "Wow, there's a lot of work to do here." should not be uttered. Avril asked if we are living in Antarctica now that everything is SO white. She's got a point, but our desire is to make the house appealing to any buyer. The hallway is the most noticeable change. It was so dark with all the dark wood trim and doors, but now it is very, very bright.
I am really happy with how nice the house is looking. I don't know yet where we will be come this fall. If Adrian is able to get a job locally and we stay, then I will be happy with all our hard work that we've already finished and can keep making the house look nice...and put some color on the walls. If Adrian gets a job out of the area, then I hope the work will encourage someone to buy the house.