Thursday, June 21, 2007

Why do I have the best husband???

Well, there are a million answers to this question, really. But for the sake of time I will stick with just today. First a little bit of back information....for Mother's Day my gift was a coupon book filled with lots of fun stuff. For example, dinner out with a friend, money towards a household item, free run to get me a smoothie or ice cream, deep cleaning of a room in the house. So I told Adrian that I would really like the kitchen cleaned well--counters Softscrubbed, fridge cleaned, sinks, the works. So he spent FOUR hours this afternoon cleaning the entire kitchen! And that's why my husband is the best. Because he would work so hard to bless me in such a tangible way. I don't understand whyAdrian would choose to make me his wife. But I am so thankful that he did. I love you, Adrian!


anonymous said...

Hey, little peruvian princess! Nice to see you in cyberspace. Go, Adrian! BTW "there" is a place so what do you mean by there 3 1/2 years apart, when you were talking about the girls in your earlier post? :) glamona

Unknown said...

That just made me misty. What a great husband - Adrian you ROCK! And Lauren, may I add that there are a million reasons why Adrian would choose you!
