Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Maia hit a major milestone recently. She is beginning to read unaided. This is a big step for her, not because she is delayed, but because it didn't automatically happen for her as it did for Avril. I think she expected to just start reading like Avril did. Maia doesn't have the attention span or desire to work it out as Avril did. She gets bored quickly and wants to stop. But now that she is making headway the excitment is building and she is eager to try. We are so proud of her. Maia is a very bright, very logical little girl. Before long this will be a distant memory. But for now it is big news that we are excited to celebrate.

On another note, I was talking with Avril tonight about an issue in school. One of the points was her concern that some people might be angry with her. So I tried to help her to understand that regardless of her actions--sinful or not--she is not responsible for others' reactions (especially sinful ones.) So I said, "Do you remember when Mommy has been angry with you?" ready to explain how my anger was not her responsibility. But she said, "No." VICTORY!! I'm still in the clear. :) That's really no excuse for those times when I've been angry, but I was thrilled that my rage is not what sticks in her mind. YAY!

1 comment:

amanda said...

Yeah, Maia!

What do you mean you are "still in the clear"? LOL

God is kind to allow children to be so forgiving of our faults.