There is a special tradition in our house. Ever since Avril was a very small toddler, Adrian would take her out to play in the rain. Adrian's favorite weather is rain so it was natural for him to implement this event. Over the years, the other girls joined the playtime as they became old enough to walk. Usually they will walk over to the tennis courts and splash in the huge puddles for a while. Then the will swing and slide on the small playground right next to the house. It's best in the summer when it's warm out, but they even go in the winter. When they come home soaked to the bone and covered in mud, they take warm baths and drink hot chocolate. This has become one of the girls' most cherished activities. We've been in a drought for a while now, and they did ask occasionally through the summer when it might rain that they could go out and play. We were finally blessed with some rain at the end of October. It was a perfect playing rain too--steady and gentle and long lasting (and warm). The girls were so excited to get to go and play in the rain with dad. Watching all of them walk off together into the rain has become one of my most cherished activities. What a treasure to have such sweet memories to hold.

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