Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Now We Are Six

"I wasn't afraid," said Pooh, said he, "I'm never afraid with you."..."What would I do?" I said to Pooh, "If it wasn't for you," and Pooh said: "True, It isn't much fun for One, but Two can stick together," says Pooh, says he. "That's how it is," says Pooh. Excerpt from Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne

My sweet Maia turned six years old this past Sunday. She had been so excited leading up to her birthday. I was so glad that we were able to have a special weekend for her. My nieces spent Saturday night with us. The five girls played all day and had a glorious time. After church on Sunday we got ready for people to come over for the party. Most of our family was able to join us as well as one of Maia's dear friends, Lily. Maia was blessed with such wonderful, thoughtful gifts. She has enjoyed them immensly. Maia had asked for a pinata. It turned out to be such a fun time. There were punching balloons inside so the girls blew them all up and ran around the backyard punching away. Shortly after that we had cake and ice cream.

Maia has grown so much over this past year. Having just begun school a week ago, the changes are particularly obvious. She is excited to be at school the whole day and is reaching out to others she doesn't know and introducing herself. This summer I witnessed her do this very thing with a little girl at the pool. I was stunned and so proud of her.
Maia is so tender-hearted and we are abundantly blessed to have her in our family.

Waiting to open presents SuperSoaker!

Finally celebrating a long awaited day. Eowyn's assault on the pinata.

Lily took the first damage. Avril's turn was the beginning of the end.

Maia actually had the first turn blindfolded, Sweet success.
but on the second time through the eyes were
open. That finished it off.

I love how happy the girls are in this one.

Dogpile! I love how Casey (in the orange) is
going full-force.

Maia and Lily
Confetti poppers--honestly, really fun.

Maia's request of a doll cake.
I tried, but she was really happy with it. So I'm satisfied.
This past weekend also marked the 10th anniversary (the 23rd) of Cheryl Miller's death. That same day the son of dear friends (mine and the Millers) was married out in Los Angeles. Overall, it was a very emotional weekend, but joy was the hallmark.
On a final note, I do not have any pictures from Eowyn's fourth birhtday on July 16. We had just moved into the house 3 days prior and my camera wasn't working. But we did celebrate and had a very nice birthday.

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