Thursday, August 21, 2008


The girls started school today (Thursday). It's early this year due to scheduling needs at the school. The start of this year has seen a few changes. For one, Maia was very excited and couldn't wait to get to Kindergarten. She was ever so slightly reserved when she walked into the class, but didn't have any trouble. Avril, for the first time, was not ready to get back to school. She wanted to stay home to play her video game. However, I knew she'd be thrilled to see her friends and get back into the year. So needless to say I was surprised when I got to her class this morning and she was crying. This was the first time in her school career (all 4 years) that she has cried on the first day. So I held her for a bit. "I don't want to go in 2nd grade was all I could get out of her." But soon her teacher came out with a tissue and hugged her. I told her I would come by and say hi after I picked up Maia at 10:30. When I got there Avril was at recess with a huge smile on her face. All better. Maia also loved her first day and particularly pleased that she is bringing Magic Treehouse books with her to read on the bus and throughout the day--just like her big sister did in Kindergarten.

The true threshold that was crossed didn't come until today (Friday). Eowyn started school. She is deliriously happy to be finally starting school. "No fair! I have to wait longer." was her response when Avril and Maia started the day before her. I can't believe my baby is in school. Eowyn attends NCS three mornings/week. I did get permission for her to stay the whole day on Fridays and ride the bus home with Maia and Avril since I will be teaching that whole day. That is a major blessing. She was so excited this morning and it took my breath away to see her in her uniform. Adrian was a little thrown too. Eowyn did seem a little hesitant right as it was time to sit in the room. But a dear woman, Mrs. M, is the teacher's aide this year and got out the playdough that Mrs. Rose (the teacher) had made for the kids and gave Eowyn her special bag. That was all it took. Huge smiles from there on out. And to cap off a banner first day, Mrs. Rose had ginger bread cookies for snack time, HOWEVER, there were also cupcakes because one of the kids already celebrated a birthday. Let me just say, "Wow" That is impressive to get the birthday party in on the first day of class. So the highlight of Eowyn's day was to get the cookie and cupcake and giftbag from Mrs. Rose. (I think she's already hit the peak of school. Kindof a bummer to be on the first day of Pre-K, but what are you gonna do?)

I am so excited to see what this year brings. I have entered a new season of life with one quick drop-off at the classroom door. I guess I'm ready for it. Selfishly, I love the idea of several hours a week to work (or whatever) uninterrupted. But it is hard to know that my babies are gone and now I have girls. They need me that much less. But this is just the beginning to many new experiences and memories of life with "big" girls. For that I am profoundly grateful.

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